

Sunday, April 6, 2014

The One Minute SCORM Overview for Anyone

I was so looking forward to reading the two articles on SCORM...currently I am participating in a instructional assistantship...which requires us to create re-usable digital learning on to the article

I knew very little about the concept..SCORM

What is SCORM?

Shareable Content Object Reference Model..just a way to build training content so others can use it....yeah..versions of SCORM governs 2 things "packaging content" & "exchanging data at run-time."

Why use it?

Basically, widely adopted well at huge organizations.

What's a SCO?
Shareable Content Object is the smallest piece of grain as it relates to content that is "reusable and independent"...shows some separation from other items.

What Version?
Any ..guess what? interoperable system..yeah...

Are you Content or LMS vendor?
Depends..if you play content you are a content ...if you you import someone else's you are LMS...very flexible for users.

What SCORM is not.
Just online training and only btw single user and offline training or group training.

That's It...led to reading an article on Digital learning object repositories.  that will be my next blog...check it out.

H. Frank Cervone, (2012) "Digital learning object repositories", OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 28 Is: 1, pp.14 - 16

H. Frank Cervone, (2012) "Digital learning object repositories", OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 28 Iss: 1, pp.14 - 16 - See more at:
H. Frank Cervone, (2012) "Digital learning object repositories", OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 28 Iss: 1, pp.14 - 16 - See more at:

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