

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

11 Things to Know About Semantic Web--ReadWrite

What you need to  know and probably already do..maybe...

  1. no apology necessary for calling it Web 3.0 ..of course web doesn't upgrade like that..but there are phases..think co-lab and databases.
  2. Allows structure on the "fly" adding as needed but this will take some time for this transition because the entrenchment of some tools within the structured system and semantic web will start slow decline of relational database tech.
  3. Consulting fees for those with big headaches..with things like RDF or tuples.
  4. Success will be judged under different categories..inherently intergrated.
  5. No need for app to apply all about platforms and servers or enterprises.
  6. Apps will be consumer or enterprise driven
  7. Google may get a run for their money or at least slow down "stream roller" effect ..structure less important as underlying content will be structured.
  8. Don't know how it is going to look and just know what it won't look like.
  9. Pragmatic will be replaced by semantic platforms
  10. Tagging we know but micro-formats will provide the structure we need
  11. leverage of the community will happen under the semantic web..techniques from social networking will be used..we know its coming..just provide structure!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this breakdown of the article. I read this one, too. However, I had to look up so many of the acronyms that I didn't really "get" the article. Your overview is great.
