

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Bibliographer identifiers:OpenIDs,researchers and delegation

The article continues the discussion of identifiers and moves forward with acknowledging the possibility of benefiting the scholarly communication channel. Previous post of my blog was about persistent ids.  Same problem, unified agreed upon language for lack of better terminology on my part. Stated "We need a single, unique way of identifying researchers."

OpenID provides that ideal of "persistent" that would be a plus to the context of scholarly process.  The process of delegation of the technical portion is a difficult assessment of lesser of two evils of organizations' longevity  versus control i.e. trust.The suggestion of domain control sounds viable for guaranteed futurama.  The delegation piece is very important from my standpoint and the ability to maintain control for future changes. These ongoing conversations expose the tensions that exist among info pros.

1 comment:

  1. This is an old problem for us librarians ... it's about authority control due to the limitations of natural language. Or we could, as a profession, insist that mothers and fathers uniquely name their babies :-)

    --Dr. MacCall
