

Monday, January 13, 2014

What is metadata? A Xmas themed exploration.

I enjoyed  Bonnie Swoger's article way to simplified the terms and really explained the concept in laymen language with use of Christmas.  The Xmas analogy is a process everyone gets.  Rules are rules just as "simply a structured description of something else" is a simple definition that I was able to explain to my thirteen year old daughter and she got it. Can it really be that easy to define?  My daughter thought so after reading the article and applied it to other events.  So, does that mean she is smarter?  No, just closer to the ground of technical shifts. 

The reasoning for each element of data file and how we sub consciously create set of metadata in every day life as the example in the article use of a Christmas picture.  I do it every time I view my family photos.  I recreate the event with all the data points such as, where, when, who some items missing from the process may not include what camera used or format.  But in some shape, form or fashion we are creating metadata in our own world. The problem is that we create for selfish use for our eyes only which really doesn't make it easier for my mom to understand the same photos. So I guess I am in agreement that even in our personal lives we need "sound data management practices" or grandma will never find that cute baby picture or even if she does won't be able to tell where it was taken.

I remember this old slogan of my mother's a place for everything and everything has its place.  organization from the eyes of a child with a junky room wanting to find the doll she played with last week.


  1. Great post! Looks like your daughter will make a great librarian someday, too :)

    -Dr. MacCall

  2. Enjoyed your post and examples about metadata. :)
