

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Look at our language

More famous than Simon Cowell on Blipfoto

Think about "persistent identifiers" which means that things go by agreed id's just to keep it simple questions is how long?  But, long term persistent cannot be promised because programming languages will change in the future or a system to make the old language work which could harm current languages used.

Different type of problem ..huh..URL's and domain names versus time almost makes them human....this idea of "persistent"  is a issue for us info pro's in academic world for located dissertations or research papers in the long term.  We need to develop the social construct that people maintain which in turn will create this "persistent" identifiers that can live forever as far as we know.
Yes in the future I would like to electronically access my deceased grandmother thesis, won't you. 

  As the famous band Queen said, "Who wants to live forever."

Defining "Born Digital" by OCLC research (Ricky Erway)

Well the definition provided by the author does hold water as stated, "born-digital resources are items created and managed in digital form."

The author's selection of types included,
  • photos
  • documents
  • web content
  • manuscripts
  • electronic records
  • static data sets
  • dynamic data
  • art
  • media publications
Each type was provided with a suggested medium and as an experienced hoarder I  was intrigued that in some aspect digital document organization at home is going really well, but like all consumers/creators not maintaining a consistent file-naming convention.  So, basically I create "folksonomies" metadata for my use only. I can imagine caretakers of large "born Digital" collections deal with create one-trick pony solutions on a case by case situations.

Many difficulties face information professionals in creating, maintaining and accessing digital content as well as, avoiding outdated medium, poor use of funds allocated to resources development, and integrity of formats.

Suggestion for the way forward are common sense to most of who understand the variety of issues facing metadata in a total digital world.  The establishment of standards, tool and procedures is the tedious work  but is the opportunity to show the value of information organization and create value for end-users of born-digital collections.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Thinking About The Catalog By Lorcan Dempsey

We all have seen his name Lorcan Dempsey has his fingers on the pulse of Information Professional issues,

Lorcan is reviewing the UC report on bibliographic infrastructure and how they should be constructed and maintained.  Also, how NCSU has implemented suggestion from UC report.

some things he took from the report include:

  • Services- ranked in meaningful way
  • Bibliographic structure-schema appropriateness
  • At the point of need-be where the user is
  • Discovery-pull of bibliographic universe
  • Technical processing-cost reduction of bibliographic mgmt
  • Platform and organization-what to build a unified platform on
  • Value-knowledge of inefficiencies
We have not redeem the full value of bibliographic investment intricate to library mission. The role of the catalog in relation to wider bibliographic database structures is an consideration when thinking about the catalog.  Innovation in bibliographic development can only improve access to users and structural improvements in catalogs such as, erasing boundaries btw databases.  OCLC is the authoritative  expert who can lead the way for many points discussed in the UC report.

Metadata- Pathways to Digital Information (Intro)

The introduction written by Murtha Baca discusses issues that have plagued metadata since the term was coined.  As stated in the first paragraph the digital world is in constant flux and change.  The conversation still is looking for an"authoritative digital resource," which means different things to majority of Information professionals.

As stated metadata should be an collaborative process for the issue of rights metadata.  The data created by users is a problem that lacks the structure that information professional trained in creation have.  The authors' have an understanding of user created content importance in the ongoing conversation of metadata.

Additional chapters cover topics such as, the "Hidden Web," and the legal ramification of open access. The barriers created to prevent access to many digital materials.  Which touches the surface of what Union catalogs mean if a layman doesn't know how to access that specific web page.

The ongoing message within the introduction is a lasting commitment to creation and continuous updating of various types of metadata as it relates to a variety of collections that are digitalized.  Mantra of slowing down the process to be more committed to concise creation. Understanding that the methods used to create metadata must meet procedures, protocols and data standards established and followed by all who create.

I agree with the author that creation of metadata is an investment in knowledge management which can lead to a large payoff for consistent effort and enhance end-user ability to access which is why we create digital resources.

Monday, January 13, 2014

News from the Library of Congress

This was tweeted by a classmate so kudos or good looking out.

ACRL updating cataloging guidelines for description of pictures, sounds like great news for all.
The new guideline cover still images of all varieties and providing wording for explanatory notes.  Which I hope will unify some vocabulary since there is more than one way to describe something.
The guidelines are born from a the very creditable ACRL Bibliographic Standards Committee on Rare Books and Manuscript section.  Which borrowed much from the DCRM (Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials) which is used for graphic items. DCRM(g) is one of a family of manuals who specialize in cataloging rules for various formats.

The new guidelines make ease of use for others in the field such as, archives and/or museums and many other organization who may benefit from use of a descriptive catalog tool box.  Questions can be submitted to their user group.

What is metadata? A Xmas themed exploration.

I enjoyed  Bonnie Swoger's article way to simplified the terms and really explained the concept in laymen language with use of Christmas.  The Xmas analogy is a process everyone gets.  Rules are rules just as "simply a structured description of something else" is a simple definition that I was able to explain to my thirteen year old daughter and she got it. Can it really be that easy to define?  My daughter thought so after reading the article and applied it to other events.  So, does that mean she is smarter?  No, just closer to the ground of technical shifts. 

The reasoning for each element of data file and how we sub consciously create set of metadata in every day life as the example in the article use of a Christmas picture.  I do it every time I view my family photos.  I recreate the event with all the data points such as, where, when, who some items missing from the process may not include what camera used or format.  But in some shape, form or fashion we are creating metadata in our own world. The problem is that we create for selfish use for our eyes only which really doesn't make it easier for my mom to understand the same photos. So I guess I am in agreement that even in our personal lives we need "sound data management practices" or grandma will never find that cute baby picture or even if she does won't be able to tell where it was taken.

I remember this old slogan of my mother's a place for everything and everything has its place.  organization from the eyes of a child with a junky room wanting to find the doll she played with last week.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

First class meeting blues

Well the semester has started with a bang bang...metadata...I am so looking forward to filling in the blanks left by LS560 in other words Digital libraries....used greenstone was a great platform for building a digital collection on football know Dr. Albertson is a fan ...I have never had any followers on Twitter..makes me feel that i need to develop some interesting thoughts on the many readings..Please response to my later..see you on the flipside...TAM